今天稍微体验了下 Dart 毕竟2020年了,Flutter 终于迎来了第一个 stable 版本。我学习 Flutter 还是喜欢从语言层面慢慢展开学习,贴一下 dart 官方学习网站。 不在这儿详细讲每个语法细节,只讲我对比 swift c++ 或者 objective-c 的语法中看到的一些好玩的东西。
Mixins with official
Look at this!
// Mixins are a way of reusing a class’s code in multiple class hierarchies.
// To use a mixin, use the with keyword followed by one or more mixin names.
// The following example shows two classes that use mixins:
class Musician extends Performer with Musical {
// ···
class Maestro extends Person
with Musical, Aggressive, Demented {
Maestro(String maestroName) {
name = maestroName;
canConduct = true;
这是官方的详细介绍,解释的第一行用来解决 dart 多继承,实际上大多数语言都是单继承,我见到的除了 c++ 。看到这儿我脑海里扑面而来的感觉是这是 swift 和 objective-c 的 Protocol 么?
// To implement a mixin, create a class that extends Object and declares no constructors.
// Unless you want your mixin to be usable as a regular class, use the mixin keyword instead of class.
// For example:
mixin Musical {
bool canPlayPiano = false;
bool canCompose = false;
bool canConduct = false;
void entertainMe() {
if (canPlayPiano) {
print('Playing piano');
} else if (canConduct) {
print('Waving hands');
} else {
print('Humming to self');
// To specify that only certain types can use the mixin — for example,
// so your mixin can invoke a method that it doesn’t define — use on to specify the required superclass:
mixin MusicalPerformer on Musician {
// ···
That is all! WFT???
Talk is cheap, show me your code!
1.手写我写了 ABCDEF 这几个类,然后我开始乱用继承了哈哈哈,然后我摸索出这个玩意儿真的很像 协议,但是使用它需要具备一定条件
- Derived from a class declaration.
- Applied to a superclass to create a new class.
- May be derived from class with super-class, then application must be on class implementing super-class interface.
- May have super-invocations if the mixin class has a super-class.
- Cannot have generative constructors.
- Mixin application forwards some constructors.
补充一下 mixin 关键字的只能继承自 object 不能由别的类派生,这个 change log 好像不包含这条。看到没有构造函数,然后可以用超类的方法中实现,invoke 当前类,我觉得这好像稍微比协议更多了点玩意儿:
B 继承自 A, C 继承自 B, E,F 我写作 mixin 类型,然后 class C extends B with F 这样编辑器会报错。
为啥呢? mixin on 好像就是一个协议建立在另一个协议的基础上,实现的人必须要实现 on 的协议,我尝试了下两种方式编译器都可以通过:
- C 自己实现 E:
class A {
bool a = true;
class B extends A {
bool b = true;
class C extends B with E, F {
bool c = true;
class D {
bool d = true;
mixin E {
bool e = true;
mixin F on E {
bool f = true;
2.父类 B 实现 E:
class A {
bool a = true;
class B extends A with E {
bool b = true;
class C extends B with F {
bool c = true;
class D {
bool d = true;
mixin E {
bool e = true;
mixin F on E {
bool f = true;
各位看官到这儿,想必大家内心有一种懵懂的想法,大家就各自想吧。另外 把 E 和 F 的 mixin 改成 class 这样他们就可以有构造函数可以构建实例了。
Spread operator (…)
var list = [1, 2, 3];
var list2 = [0, ...list];
assert(list2.length == 4);
如果 list 可能为空我们还可以加个 ? (swift 的味道,香):
var list;
var list2 = [0, ...?list];
assert(list2.length == 1);
Collection if
你可以在集合类型中添加 if 条件判断:
var nav = [
if (promoActive) 'Outlet'
是不是很神奇,这样写 UI 就很嗨了,比如你要写个翻页的页面,但是最后一页可以不要加上 Next button:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(children: [
if (page != pages.last)
FlatButton(child: Text('Next')),
Collection for
你可以在集合类型中添加 for 遍历添加:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(children: [
for (var section in sections)
All this ,我看到 Dart 之所以是 Dart, 首先是因为它是 Flutter 的官方语言吧。